We provide real estate property valuation services for all types of real estate: residential, commercial, industrial, non-
profit, mixed-use, special-use, infrastructure etc. Our product includes market value appraisals, risk rating in the
property’s specific market sector and determination of mortgage lending value of real estate as per international
valuation standards and legal requirements. We also provide fair value appraisals and insurable value appraisals. Our
professional team possess extensive knowledge of fair value financial and tax reporting standards and can effectively
communicate our findings to our clients, auditors and other regulatory authorities.
Our experts have multi-years experience in the valuation of technical infrastructure. We provide valuations of technical
equipment and infrastructure, machines, tools, and devices. We verify whether plant and machinery or furniture,
fittings and equipment correspond to the values shown in the balance sheet. Our appraisals cover the residual worth,
market value, fair value and replacement value of plant and building equipment.
Our team specializes in the inventory works and valuation for financial reporting purposes or any other use. The scope includes:
1. Identification & Physical verification of the inventory
2. Marking/Tagging of items
3. Preparation of the inventory database with Photos, Description of inventory (make, model, location, serial #, etc)
4. Matching the identified inventory against book records
5. Identification of inventory in excess or missing
6. Valuation of identified inventory